• National Awardee 2017

    outstanding contribution for the development of the persons with disabilities

  • Relief Distribution Program

    Distribution of Food assistance among the flood affected people with disabilities

  • We improve the quality of education

    Distribution of cash and educational materials among disabled students


The Journey of Bangladesh Protibandhi Unnayan Sangstha (BPUS)

Bangladesh Protibandhi Unnayan Sangstha (BPUS) is a registered voluntary non-governmental Disabled People’s Organization (DPO). It has established in a remote part of Bangladesh in Barisal district at Agailjhara upazila (sub-district) on 7th July 1991 under the leadership initiatives of Mr. Badiul Alam (the founder and executive director at present), a visually impaired person with a view to alleviating the sufferings of the disabled people as well as to lead them to be linked with the main streaming of development.

The organization is an active member of NADPO (National Alliance of Disabled People’s Organization), National Council of Disabled Women(NCDW), Asia Pacific Disability Forum (APDF) .It also holds the membership of different forums and networks at national/regional/local level. Since its establishment, BPUS has been continuously advocating with the local & national level policy makers for establishing the rights of persons with disabilities, improving the lives and livelihoods of men and women and support children with disability in education.

Badiul Alam, Founder & Executive Director

Now the organization has been implementing six different programs such as inclusive education, awareness on disability and development, Skill development training & IGA support, small business planning & training, Training to persons with disabilities on rights & protection of persons with disabilities act 2013 & advocating for its implementation with sub-district and district level protection committee of persons with disabilities. BPUS is working in four districts as –Barishal ,Gopalgonj, Madarirpur, Dhaka as well as Jhalokathi. BPUS is committed to continue its work for achieving its long-term vision to build a nation friendly to peoples with disabilities, free of exploitation and povertythus ensure a friendly environment for all.


To improve the situation of People with Disabilities so that they can participate in their community and family with dignity and respect.

We Do


— We Find & Fund

Keep continuation of supports from existing donors and increase funds

— We Build Networks

Good relation with local government, local administration and other stakeholders, other NGOs

— We Strengthen

BPUS has own lands and accessible building including training center and accommodation support

— We Educate

BPUS collaborating with educational institutions, government agencies, and community stakeholders to remove barriers to education and promote inclusive learning environments.

— We Provide Care

BPUS works to ensure that persons with disabilities have access to essential healthcare services, including preventive care, medical treatment, rehabilitation, and therapy. 

— We Consult

Continuation and increase linkage services through increasing communication



At present BPUS follows four areas of activities as a Regional DPO
-To support and advocate for the implementation of the Law on Rights of Persons with Disability, passed in 2013. Ensure that government officials at all levels are aware of the requirement of the law and organise initiatives to inform local communities. To network with other DPOs. CSOs, NGOs and INGOs to include PwDs in their program activities and provide support if necessary.
-To have a department which provides counselling, advice, support for people with Disability to have access to services such as medical/surgical interventions, physiotherapy, assistive devices, etc. To support the access to education for children with disability either in local schools or, where appropriate, in special schools.

-Establish Disabled Peoples Organisation at the community or village level to provide mutual support to members and representation to the local authorities. To ensure that the rights of the PwDs are respected and that they are able to have barrier free access to public buildings, mosques and temples

-To provide PwDs with improved skills specific to their needs for income generating activities and employment. PwDs are assisted in training and establishment of businesses appropriate to their community
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